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How to Download

1. Download the game

The download page is a repository on Github. Head back to "Project" and click on "Download", then come back here. Click on the folder with your operating system on it and the download process will begin!

4. Find the .exe-file

This file is the start button of the game and is located inside the newly unzipped file. Double-click this file and the game will start.


Windows machines:
See "5. Windows"


Mac machines:

See "6. Mac"

2. Locate the .zip-file

The downloaded file is a .zip-file, find it on your computer. It should be located in the "download" folder on your computer.

You can open this folder directly from the browser by pressing the "Map" icon in the download tab

(Works in Firefox and other broweser)

5. Windows

Since the .exe is of a unknown creators (Us), you need to press "More information" and the press on "run anyways". Enjoy!

3. Unzip the file

Chose an appropiate place to unzip this .zip-file
(Recomended: Desktop)

6. Mac

Open, then go to System Settings -> Privacy & Security.


Scroll down and press "Open anyway". Enjoy!

Team Alpha

©2023 Team Alpha

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