Sprint #1
Starting the Project
Sprint overview
Learn unity
Implement movement and actions
Start map-layout design
Have a 3D character move around in a 3D environment with all basic actions including crouching, openings doors and climbing ladders.
Sprint #3
Puzzle, Enemies & Multiplayers
Sprint overview
Add textures
More multiplayer (Menu, game objects)
Camera (game mechanic)
Puzzle mechanics
Implement all done features to co-op. Add enemy system, locked door with keys, code locks, as well as buttons and levers. Implement at least one puzzle.
Sprint #2
Co-op & Game Mechanics
Sprint overview
Start implementing multiplayer
UI and Game Mechanics
3D map making in blender
Have a playable character that can moe an all (4) driections (jump, crouch, run) and see from First Person View. Character can look down and see their own legs. Player should be able to traverse a 3D Environment.
Sprint #4
Puzzle-making, Antimations & Sound
Sprint overview
Add puzzles and notes.
Add animations and sound.
Have a working game where the player can die & win. Add all puzzles to the map. Implement textures & sound.